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HMP 2015

2015 - 2016

Bergabung pada organisasi himpunan mahasiswa prodi teknologi pendidikan UNJ. Memiliki kedudukan sebagai Anggota humas pada divisi Informasi yang bertanggung jawab atas konten sosial media HMP TP UNJ.

HMP 2016

2016 - 2017

Setelah terjadi pergantian pengurus, Saya menjabat menjadi kepala departement humas, yang memiliki tugas mengawasi kinerja anggota humas, Publikasi sosial media, Ikut ambil dalam mengambil keputusan acara dan penanggung jawab dalam acara yang diadakan oleh divisi humas.




Intern - Pulap

Juli 2018 - Agustus 2018



- Evaluation modul learning
- Trainee data entry
- Design Power Point for staff meetings
- Graphic Designer support



KB Insurance
Januari 2018 - Agustus 2019

- Entry data customers.
- Support Head office Look for documents.
- Manage file customers.

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GIE_2899 (2).JPG

- Make Educational Video for Training purpose end-to-end
- Support Training Warehousing
- Delivery Material for another division
- Host and support for some events
- Customer Facing and explain about the system
- Design Power point layout
- Voice over Learning Video
- Support Graphic design

-- Design
- Design for Feed blasting
- Make GIF or Video for promotional purpose
- Make video & Design for Events
- Prepare, Host & Handling some events
- Graphic Designer for Internal hampers (T-Shirt, Hampers Box.etc)
- Power Point Design for webinar / training
- Design a Plakat for best employee

-- Media
- Handle Gamification Program called Shipper Points
- Develop Wixsite End to End for Shipper Points(SPChecker) & Bukber'22 (Ticketing/RSVP)
- Make Email Marketing for Culture and engagement
- Handle #AskShipperTroopers Video end to end
- Voice over for training videos

- PIC Community internal & Content weekly
- PIC Gaming E-Sport tournament Internal company
- PIC for Games stuff (Kahoot, Genialy, Stumble Guys. etc)


 © 2020 by Rinaldy Bergas. 

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